* - student co-author
Ostrand, R., Ferreira., V. (2024). People Lexically Align More to Partners who Exhibit Comprehension Difficulties. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of The Psychonomic Society, New York City, NY, USA.
Ostrand, R., Brimijoin, K., Piorkowski, D., He, J., Albert, E., Houde, S. (2024). Say what? Real-time linguistic guidance supports novices in writing utterances for conversational agent training. Oral presentation at the 6th ACM Conference on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI '24). [33% acceptance rate]
[Published paper: Ostrand et al. (2024)]
Piorkowski, D., Ostrand, R., Brimijoin, K., He, J., Albert, E., Houde, S. (2024). Towards Interactive Guidance for Writing Training Utterances for Conversational Agents. Oral presentation at the 6th ACM Conference on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI '24). [33% acceptance rate]
[Published paper: Piorkowski et al. (2024)]
Ostrand, R., Ferreira, V. (2024). Lexical alignment is greater to interlocutors who demonstrate poor comprehension during conversation. Poster presentation at International Workshop on Language Production, Marseille, France.
Do, H.J., Ostrand, R., Weisz, J.D., Dugan, C., Sattigeri, P., Wei, D., Murugesan, K., Geyer, W. (2024). Facilitating Human-LLM Collaboration through Factuality Scores and Source Attributions. Oral presentation at Workshop on Trust and Reliance in Evolving Human-AI Workflows (TREW) at CHI 2024, Hawaii, USA.
[Published paper: Do et al. (2024)]
*Finley, A.M., Kries, J., Litovsky, C.P., Ostrand, R. (2023). Hold that thought: Linguistic features of spontaneous discourse production predict working memory in people with aphasia. Poster presentation at Academy of Aphasia, Reading, UK.
*Flick, G., Ostrand, R. (2023). Detecting level of impairment in dementia using automatically calculated discourse and contextual features of connected speech. Poster presentation at Academy of Aphasia, Reading, UK.
Ostrand, R., Ferreira, V.S., Piorkowski, D. (2023). Rapid Lexical Alignment to a Conversational Agent. Poster presentation at INTERSPEECH 2023, Dublin, Ireland.
[Published paper: Ostrand et al. (2023)]
Ostrand, R., Ferreira, V.S., Piorkowski, D. (2023). Lexical Alignment to an Automated Chatbot is Rapid and Driven by Communicative Utility. Poster presentation at AMLaP 2023: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing San Sebastian, Spain.
[Published paper: Ostrand et al. (2023)]
*Flick, G., Ostrand, R. (2023). Automatically calculated lexical and sentential context features of connected speech predict cognitive impairment. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, San Diego, CA, USA.
Piorkowski, D., Ostrand, R., Rizk, Y., Isahagian, V., Muthusamy, V., Weisz, J.D. (2022). Accuracy is Not All You Need. Poster presentation at NeurIPS Workshop on Human-Centered AI, (Virtual).
[Published paper: Piorkowski et al. (2022)]
Ostrand, R., *Chia, K., Gunstad, J., Manly, J.J., Brickman, A.M. (2022). Spontaneous speech production as a predictive marker of memory and cognitive decline in a multi-ethnic cohort. Poster presentation at Academy of Aphasia, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Ostrand, R., Ferreira, V.S. (2022). Partner-specific adaptation in comprehension does not entail partner-specific alignment in production. Poster presentation at AMLaP 2022: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing York, UK.
Kleinman, D., Morgan, A.M., Ostrand, R., Wittenberg, E. (2022). Lasting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on language processing. 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Santa Cruz, CA, USA (Virtual).
[Published paper: Kleinman et al. (2022)]
Ostrand, R., *Chia, K., Gunstad, J., Vonk, J., Manly, J.J., Brickman, A.M. (2022). Lexical-Semantic Properties of Spontaneous Speech Production are Predictive of Memory in a Multi-Ethnic Cohort. Poster presentation at The 50th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA, USA (Virtual).
*Chia, K., Gunstad, J., Vonk, J., Brickman, A.M., Manly, J.J., Ostrand, R. (2022). The Role Of Education And Spontaneous Speech On Cognitive Decline In A Multi-Ethnic Cohort. Poster presentation at The 50th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA, USA (Virtual).
*Taylor, P., *Renteria, M.A., Ostrand, R., *Chia, K., Gunstad, J., Manly, J.J., Brickman, A.M., Vonk, J.M.J. (2022). The distribution of linguistic metrics of naturalistic speech in middle-aged adults without dementia across race/ethnicity groups. Poster presentation at The 50th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA, USA (Virtual).
*Rabanal, K., *Avila, J.F., Ostrand, R., *Chia, K., Gunstad, J., Manly, J.J., Brickman, A.M., Vonk, J.M.J. (2022). Are experiences of discrimination related to linguistic metrics of naturalistic speech in middle-aged adults without dementia? Poster presentation at The 50th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA, USA (Virtual).
*Sanborn, V., Ostrand, R., & Gunstad, J. (2021). Predicting MCI Status Using Automated Speech Assessment in Community-dwelling Older Adults. Poster presentation at The 49th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, San Diego, CA, USA (Virtual).
[Published paper: Sanborn et al. (2022)]
Kleinman, D., Ostrand, R., Morgan, A., *Gurumukhani, M., & Wittenberg, E. (2020). Non-Linguistic Context Affects Processing of Ambiguous Speech. Poster presentation at AMLaP 2020: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (Virtual).
[Published paper: Kleinman et al. (2022)]
Ostrand, R., Berger, S., Agurto, C.,... (2020). A Method for Personalized, Longitudinal Assessment of Chronic Pain Using Spontaneous Speech Production at Home. Poster presentation at World Congress of the World Institute of Pain, Rome, Italy (Virtual).
*Guarini, E. & Ostrand, R.. (2019). Does Linguistic Alignment Aid Production or Comprehension? Poster presentation at The 60th Annual Meeting of The Psychonomic Society, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Ostrand, R., Gunstad, J. (2019). Using Automatic Assessment of Speech Production to Assess Current and Future Cognitive Function in Older Adults. Oral presentation at Technology in Psychiatry Summit, Boston, MA, USA. [21% acceptance rate]
[Published paper: Ostrand & Gunstad (2021)]
Ostrand, R., Berger, S., Cecchi, G. (2019). Personalized, Longitudinal Assessment of Cognitive Disorders Using Spontaneous Speech Production at Home. Oral presentation at Northeast Computational Health Summit, Providence, RI, USA.
Ostrand, R. & Gunstad, J. (2018). Using Speech Production to Detect Cognitive Decline. Poster presentation at The 59th Annual Meeting of The Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA, USA.
[Published paper: Ostrand & Gunstad (2021)]
Norel, R., Agurto, C., Heisig, S., Ostrand, R., ... Cecchi, G.A. (2018). Identification of L-DOPA ON/OFF state using speech-based analyses in Parkinson's Disease subjects. Poster presentation at Movement Disorder Society, Hong Kong, China.
Ostrand, R. (2018). It's Alignment All the Way Down - But Not All the Way Up. Oral presentation at AMLaP 2018: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Berlin, Germany. [8% acceptance rate]
[Published paper: Ostrand & Chodroff (2021)]
Ostrand, R., Ferreira, V.S. (2018). Repeat After Us: Syntactic Alignment is Not Partner-Specific. Oral presentation at The International Meeting of The Psychonomic Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
[Published paper: Ostrand & Ferreira (2019)]
Ostrand, R. & Gunstad, J. (2018). Assessment of Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer's Disease Using Automated Detection of Lexical and Semantic Speech Features. Poster presentation at Northeast Computational Health Summit, Boston, MA, USA.
[Published paper: Ostrand & Gunstad (2021)]
Ostrand, R. & Ferreira, V.S. (2017). Syntactic Alignment is Not Partner-Specific. Poster presentation at The 58th Annual Meeting of The Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, Canada.
[Published paper: Ostrand & Ferreira (2019)]
Kleinman, D., Ostrand, R., Ferreira, V.S., & Bergen, B. (2016). Drivers - but not passengers - prioritize driving over speech. Poster presentation at AMLaP 2016: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Bilbao, Spain.
Ostrand, R., Bergen, B., Ferreira, V. (2016). What Makes Talking While Driving Deadly? Oral presentation at Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA. [#1 ranked fellowship recipient]
Ostrand, R., Bergen, B., Ferreira, V. (2015). Speakers Prioritize Driving Over Talking, But Only When They've Warned Their Listeners. Poster presentation at The 56th Annual Meeting of The Psychonomic Society, Chicago, IL, USA.
Ostrand, R., Bergen, B., Ferreira, V. (2015). Speakers Do Not Adapt Their Syntax To Match Listeners' Preferences. Oral presentation at AMLaP 2015: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Valletta, Malta. [15% acceptance rate]
[Published paper: Ostrand & Ferreira (2019)]
Ostrand, R., Bergen, B., Ferreira, V. (2015). Speakers do not adapt their syntactic production to their listeners' preferences. Oral presentation at The CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Los Angeles, CA, USA. [< 12% acceptance rate]
[Published paper: Ostrand & Ferreira (2019)]
Ostrand, R., Blumstein, S.E., Ferreira, V.S., Morgan, J.L. (2014). What You See Isn't Always What You Get: Auditory Word Signals Trump Consciously-Perceived Words in Early Lexical Access. Poster presentation at The 55th Annual Meeting of The Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, CA, USA.
[Published paper: Ostrand et al. (2016)]
Gruberg, N., Ferreira, V., Ostrand, R. (2014) Speakers Don't Just Syntactically Prime, They Syntactically Entrain: Event-Specific Syntactic Adaptation in Language Production. Oral presentation at The 55th Annual Meeting of The Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, CA, USA.
[Published paper: Gruberg et al. (2019)]
Ostrand, R., Ferreira, V., Bergen, B. (2014). How Talking While Driving Can Kill You. Poster presentation at iSLC 2014, Inter-Science of Learning Center Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Gruberg, N., Ostrand, R., Ferreira, V. (2013). Syntactic entrainment is sometimes partner-specific. Poster presentation at AMLaP 2013: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Marseille, France.
[Published paper: Gruberg et al. (2019)]
Ostrand, R., Blumstein, S.E., Morgan, J.L. (2013). Perceiving One Word While Accessing Another: The Time Course of Audio-Visual Integration in Lexical Access. Oral presentation at AMLaP 2013: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Marseille, France. [10% acceptance rate]
[Published paper: Ostrand et al. (2016)]
Ostrand, R., Kutas, M., Bergen, B. (2013). Speaker-Specific Adaptation in Speech Comprehension. Poster presentation at LSA 13 Workshop: How the brain accommodates variability in linguistic representations, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
Ostrand, R., Kutas, M., Bergen, B. (2012). Listener modeling of speakers in language comprehension. Oral presentation at AMLaP 2012: Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing, Riva del Garda, Italy. [11% acceptance rate]
Alario, F.-X., Ostrand, R., Thoenig, M., Burle, B. (2011). Conflict Adaptation During Verbal Response Selection. Oral presentation at The 52nd Annual Meeting of The Psychonomic Society, Seattle, WA, USA.
Alario, F.-X., Ostrand, R., Thoenig, M., Burle, B. (2011). Conflict Adaptation During Verbal Response Selection. Oral presentation at ESCOP 2011, The 17th Meeting Of The European Society For Cognitive Psychology, San Sebastián, Spain. [20% acceptance rate]
Ostrand, R., Blumstein, S.E., Morgan, J.L. (2011). When Hearing Lips and Seeing Voices Becomes Perceiving Speech: Auditory-Visual Integration in Lexical Access. Oral presentation at CogSci 2011, The 33rd Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Boston, MA, USA. [32% acceptance rate]
[Published paper: Ostrand et al. (2016)]
Ostrand, R., Ferreira., V. (2024). People Lexically Align More to Partners who Exhibit Comprehension Difficulties. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of The Psychonomic Society, New York City, NY, USA.
Ostrand, R., Brimijoin, K., Piorkowski, D., He, J., Albert, E., Houde, S. (2024). Say what? Real-time linguistic guidance supports novices in writing utterances for conversational agent training. Oral presentation at the 6th ACM Conference on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI '24). [33% acceptance rate]
[Published paper: Ostrand et al. (2024)]
Piorkowski, D., Ostrand, R., Brimijoin, K., He, J., Albert, E., Houde, S. (2024). Towards Interactive Guidance for Writing Training Utterances for Conversational Agents. Oral presentation at the 6th ACM Conference on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI '24). [33% acceptance rate]
[Published paper: Piorkowski et al. (2024)]
Ostrand, R., Ferreira, V. (2024). Lexical alignment is greater to interlocutors who demonstrate poor comprehension during conversation. Poster presentation at International Workshop on Language Production, Marseille, France.
Do, H.J., Ostrand, R., Weisz, J.D., Dugan, C., Sattigeri, P., Wei, D., Murugesan, K., Geyer, W. (2024). Facilitating Human-LLM Collaboration through Factuality Scores and Source Attributions. Oral presentation at Workshop on Trust and Reliance in Evolving Human-AI Workflows (TREW) at CHI 2024, Hawaii, USA.
[Published paper: Do et al. (2024)]
*Finley, A.M., Kries, J., Litovsky, C.P., Ostrand, R. (2023). Hold that thought: Linguistic features of spontaneous discourse production predict working memory in people with aphasia. Poster presentation at Academy of Aphasia, Reading, UK.
*Flick, G., Ostrand, R. (2023). Detecting level of impairment in dementia using automatically calculated discourse and contextual features of connected speech. Poster presentation at Academy of Aphasia, Reading, UK.
Ostrand, R., Ferreira, V.S., Piorkowski, D. (2023). Rapid Lexical Alignment to a Conversational Agent. Poster presentation at INTERSPEECH 2023, Dublin, Ireland.
[Published paper: Ostrand et al. (2023)]
Ostrand, R., Ferreira, V.S., Piorkowski, D. (2023). Lexical Alignment to an Automated Chatbot is Rapid and Driven by Communicative Utility. Poster presentation at AMLaP 2023: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing San Sebastian, Spain.
[Published paper: Ostrand et al. (2023)]
*Flick, G., Ostrand, R. (2023). Automatically calculated lexical and sentential context features of connected speech predict cognitive impairment. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, San Diego, CA, USA.
Piorkowski, D., Ostrand, R., Rizk, Y., Isahagian, V., Muthusamy, V., Weisz, J.D. (2022). Accuracy is Not All You Need. Poster presentation at NeurIPS Workshop on Human-Centered AI, (Virtual).
[Published paper: Piorkowski et al. (2022)]
Ostrand, R., *Chia, K., Gunstad, J., Manly, J.J., Brickman, A.M. (2022). Spontaneous speech production as a predictive marker of memory and cognitive decline in a multi-ethnic cohort. Poster presentation at Academy of Aphasia, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Ostrand, R., Ferreira, V.S. (2022). Partner-specific adaptation in comprehension does not entail partner-specific alignment in production. Poster presentation at AMLaP 2022: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing York, UK.
Kleinman, D., Morgan, A.M., Ostrand, R., Wittenberg, E. (2022). Lasting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on language processing. 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Santa Cruz, CA, USA (Virtual).
[Published paper: Kleinman et al. (2022)]
Ostrand, R., *Chia, K., Gunstad, J., Vonk, J., Manly, J.J., Brickman, A.M. (2022). Lexical-Semantic Properties of Spontaneous Speech Production are Predictive of Memory in a Multi-Ethnic Cohort. Poster presentation at The 50th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA, USA (Virtual).
*Chia, K., Gunstad, J., Vonk, J., Brickman, A.M., Manly, J.J., Ostrand, R. (2022). The Role Of Education And Spontaneous Speech On Cognitive Decline In A Multi-Ethnic Cohort. Poster presentation at The 50th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA, USA (Virtual).
*Taylor, P., *Renteria, M.A., Ostrand, R., *Chia, K., Gunstad, J., Manly, J.J., Brickman, A.M., Vonk, J.M.J. (2022). The distribution of linguistic metrics of naturalistic speech in middle-aged adults without dementia across race/ethnicity groups. Poster presentation at The 50th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA, USA (Virtual).
*Rabanal, K., *Avila, J.F., Ostrand, R., *Chia, K., Gunstad, J., Manly, J.J., Brickman, A.M., Vonk, J.M.J. (2022). Are experiences of discrimination related to linguistic metrics of naturalistic speech in middle-aged adults without dementia? Poster presentation at The 50th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA, USA (Virtual).
*Sanborn, V., Ostrand, R., & Gunstad, J. (2021). Predicting MCI Status Using Automated Speech Assessment in Community-dwelling Older Adults. Poster presentation at The 49th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, San Diego, CA, USA (Virtual).
[Published paper: Sanborn et al. (2022)]
Kleinman, D., Ostrand, R., Morgan, A., *Gurumukhani, M., & Wittenberg, E. (2020). Non-Linguistic Context Affects Processing of Ambiguous Speech. Poster presentation at AMLaP 2020: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (Virtual).
[Published paper: Kleinman et al. (2022)]
Ostrand, R., Berger, S., Agurto, C.,... (2020). A Method for Personalized, Longitudinal Assessment of Chronic Pain Using Spontaneous Speech Production at Home. Poster presentation at World Congress of the World Institute of Pain, Rome, Italy (Virtual).
*Guarini, E. & Ostrand, R.. (2019). Does Linguistic Alignment Aid Production or Comprehension? Poster presentation at The 60th Annual Meeting of The Psychonomic Society, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Ostrand, R., Gunstad, J. (2019). Using Automatic Assessment of Speech Production to Assess Current and Future Cognitive Function in Older Adults. Oral presentation at Technology in Psychiatry Summit, Boston, MA, USA. [21% acceptance rate]
[Published paper: Ostrand & Gunstad (2021)]
Ostrand, R., Berger, S., Cecchi, G. (2019). Personalized, Longitudinal Assessment of Cognitive Disorders Using Spontaneous Speech Production at Home. Oral presentation at Northeast Computational Health Summit, Providence, RI, USA.
Ostrand, R. & Gunstad, J. (2018). Using Speech Production to Detect Cognitive Decline. Poster presentation at The 59th Annual Meeting of The Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA, USA.
[Published paper: Ostrand & Gunstad (2021)]
Norel, R., Agurto, C., Heisig, S., Ostrand, R., ... Cecchi, G.A. (2018). Identification of L-DOPA ON/OFF state using speech-based analyses in Parkinson's Disease subjects. Poster presentation at Movement Disorder Society, Hong Kong, China.
Ostrand, R. (2018). It's Alignment All the Way Down - But Not All the Way Up. Oral presentation at AMLaP 2018: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Berlin, Germany. [8% acceptance rate]
[Published paper: Ostrand & Chodroff (2021)]
Ostrand, R., Ferreira, V.S. (2018). Repeat After Us: Syntactic Alignment is Not Partner-Specific. Oral presentation at The International Meeting of The Psychonomic Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
[Published paper: Ostrand & Ferreira (2019)]
Ostrand, R. & Gunstad, J. (2018). Assessment of Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer's Disease Using Automated Detection of Lexical and Semantic Speech Features. Poster presentation at Northeast Computational Health Summit, Boston, MA, USA.
[Published paper: Ostrand & Gunstad (2021)]
Ostrand, R. & Ferreira, V.S. (2017). Syntactic Alignment is Not Partner-Specific. Poster presentation at The 58th Annual Meeting of The Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, Canada.
[Published paper: Ostrand & Ferreira (2019)]
Kleinman, D., Ostrand, R., Ferreira, V.S., & Bergen, B. (2016). Drivers - but not passengers - prioritize driving over speech. Poster presentation at AMLaP 2016: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Bilbao, Spain.
Ostrand, R., Bergen, B., Ferreira, V. (2016). What Makes Talking While Driving Deadly? Oral presentation at Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA. [#1 ranked fellowship recipient]
Ostrand, R., Bergen, B., Ferreira, V. (2015). Speakers Prioritize Driving Over Talking, But Only When They've Warned Their Listeners. Poster presentation at The 56th Annual Meeting of The Psychonomic Society, Chicago, IL, USA.
Ostrand, R., Bergen, B., Ferreira, V. (2015). Speakers Do Not Adapt Their Syntax To Match Listeners' Preferences. Oral presentation at AMLaP 2015: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Valletta, Malta. [15% acceptance rate]
[Published paper: Ostrand & Ferreira (2019)]
Ostrand, R., Bergen, B., Ferreira, V. (2015). Speakers do not adapt their syntactic production to their listeners' preferences. Oral presentation at The CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Los Angeles, CA, USA. [< 12% acceptance rate]
[Published paper: Ostrand & Ferreira (2019)]
Ostrand, R., Blumstein, S.E., Ferreira, V.S., Morgan, J.L. (2014). What You See Isn't Always What You Get: Auditory Word Signals Trump Consciously-Perceived Words in Early Lexical Access. Poster presentation at The 55th Annual Meeting of The Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, CA, USA.
[Published paper: Ostrand et al. (2016)]
Gruberg, N., Ferreira, V., Ostrand, R. (2014) Speakers Don't Just Syntactically Prime, They Syntactically Entrain: Event-Specific Syntactic Adaptation in Language Production. Oral presentation at The 55th Annual Meeting of The Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, CA, USA.
[Published paper: Gruberg et al. (2019)]
Ostrand, R., Ferreira, V., Bergen, B. (2014). How Talking While Driving Can Kill You. Poster presentation at iSLC 2014, Inter-Science of Learning Center Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Gruberg, N., Ostrand, R., Ferreira, V. (2013). Syntactic entrainment is sometimes partner-specific. Poster presentation at AMLaP 2013: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Marseille, France.
[Published paper: Gruberg et al. (2019)]
Ostrand, R., Blumstein, S.E., Morgan, J.L. (2013). Perceiving One Word While Accessing Another: The Time Course of Audio-Visual Integration in Lexical Access. Oral presentation at AMLaP 2013: Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Marseille, France. [10% acceptance rate]
[Published paper: Ostrand et al. (2016)]
Ostrand, R., Kutas, M., Bergen, B. (2013). Speaker-Specific Adaptation in Speech Comprehension. Poster presentation at LSA 13 Workshop: How the brain accommodates variability in linguistic representations, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
Ostrand, R., Kutas, M., Bergen, B. (2012). Listener modeling of speakers in language comprehension. Oral presentation at AMLaP 2012: Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing, Riva del Garda, Italy. [11% acceptance rate]
Alario, F.-X., Ostrand, R., Thoenig, M., Burle, B. (2011). Conflict Adaptation During Verbal Response Selection. Oral presentation at The 52nd Annual Meeting of The Psychonomic Society, Seattle, WA, USA.
Alario, F.-X., Ostrand, R., Thoenig, M., Burle, B. (2011). Conflict Adaptation During Verbal Response Selection. Oral presentation at ESCOP 2011, The 17th Meeting Of The European Society For Cognitive Psychology, San Sebastián, Spain. [20% acceptance rate]
Ostrand, R., Blumstein, S.E., Morgan, J.L. (2011). When Hearing Lips and Seeing Voices Becomes Perceiving Speech: Auditory-Visual Integration in Lexical Access. Oral presentation at CogSci 2011, The 33rd Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Boston, MA, USA. [32% acceptance rate]
[Published paper: Ostrand et al. (2016)]